Osteopathy is a branch of manual medicine that restores balance to the body by focusing on the musculoskeletal system. Osteopaths view the body as an interconnected system in which one part can affect another, so they treat the whole person rather than just their symptoms. Osteopathic principles help to improve circulation and increase blood supply to the tissues. They also encourage a range of motion and support our natural abilities to heal ourselves from within. Thus, if you are someone who has been diagnosed as having any of the various types of diabetic conditions, then you stand to gain a lot from osteopathic treatment.
What is a diabetic condition?
A diabetic condition is a medical condition that occurs when the body does not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that helps convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy. If you have diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well enough to control your blood sugar levels, which negatively impacts many aspects of your health over time. Diabetes is most frequently diagnosed in adulthood, but its incidence is increasing among children and adolescents, particularly in minority populations. Diabetes can cause serious complications if it’s not treated. If you have diabetes, you’ll want to take steps to prevent or delay complications. These include keeping your blood sugar levels under control, getting the right amount of exercise, and getting enough sleep. You may need to make changes to your diet, too.
Osteopathic techniques for diabetic conditions
Diabetes is a condition that often requires persistent treatment. It can also result in a number of complications depending on how well a patient is able to manage their blood sugar levels. While osteopathy cannot cure diabetes, it can help to alleviate many of the conditions associated with the disease. For example, osteopathy is often used to improve circulation, relieve the discomfort of nerve pressure, and restore a normal range of motion in the joints. Osteopathic techniques for diabetic conditions include: – Improved blood circulation and increased blood supply to the tissues – Encouraging a range of motion and support for natural abilities to heal within
Diabetes and complications
If diabetics don’t manage the disease, they can develop complications. Things like poor blood circulation, increased blood pressure and the buildup of plaque in the arteries are just a few examples of diabetes-related complications. For this reason, it’s important to seek out support and treatment if you think you may have diabetes. Osteopathy can help to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with diabetes, as well as its complications. Osteopathic techniques for diabetic complications include: – Improvements to circulation and increased blood supply to the tissues – Relaxation of the nerves and reduction of nerve pressure – Restoration of a normal range of motion in the joint
Osteopathic treatment for diabetes complications
Certain conditions may be more sensitive to change than others when it comes to osteopathic treatments, so there may be certain remedies that are more useful for specific conditions. For example, there are specific osteopathic techniques that can be applied to alleviate nerve pressure. Nerve pressure is often a symptom of diabetes, and it can result in tingling or numbness in the toes, hands, and other parts of the body. In order to relieve nerve pressure, an osteopath may apply gentle pressure to the affected area while they are manipulating the patient’s tissues. This is meant to help facilitate an improved blood flow to the region and help reduce the symptoms of the condition.
Diabetes and its effect on the eyes
As we’ve mentioned, diabetes can interfere with blood flow and lead to a condition known as diabetic retinopathy, which causes changes to the retina in the back of the eye. It is the most common eye condition among diabetics, and it can cause significant vision impairment if not caught and treated early enough. Diabetic retinopathy can be treated with laser therapy, but it is more effective if caught early enough. Osteopathy can help to catch the symptoms and diagnose the condition before it becomes too serious. Osteopathic techniques for diabetic retinopathy include: – Improved blood circulation and increased blood supply to the eyes – Reduction of nerve pressure in the eyes – Restoration of a normal range of motion in the eye joints
Osteopathic treatment for eye conditions in diabetics
For people with diabetic retinopathy, the best course of treatment is often laser treatment. During this procedure, a laser is used to destroy abnormal blood vessels in the retina that could cause a detached retina. While surgery is sometimes needed, laser treatment can be less invasive, and most patients can go home the same day. During laser treatment, patients will likely be asked to lie down on their backs with their eyes closed. Laser light is then directed at the back of the eye, where the abnormal blood vessels are located. This light will destroy the abnormal vessels, which will prevent them from causing a detached retina.
Diabetes and its effect on the feet
As with the eyes, a diabetic foot condition called peripheral neuropathy can also result from a lack of blood flow to the tissue. This can lead to a condition known as a diabetic foot ulcer, where the lack of blood flow has caused the tissues in the foot to become ischemic and die off. This can lead to an infection in the foot and the need for amputation if left untreated for long enough. Osteopathy can help to detect signs of diabetic foot ulcers early and give patients the opportunity to heal before it becomes too serious. Osteopathic techniques for diabetic foot ulcers include: – Improved blood circulation and increased blood supply to the tissues – Reduction of nerve pressure in the foot – Restoration of a normal range of motion in the foot joints
As you can see, osteopathy can provide many benefits for those with diabetic conditions. It can help to reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow to the tissues, promote a range of motion and mobility, and relieve nerve pressure. With all these benefits, it’s easy to see how it can help to improve the lives of those with diabetic conditions.